28 Days to More Clients

 A program for Coaches, Healers and Other On Purpose Solopreneurs

With more clients, you can have the business your heart longs for!

 With more clients, you can:

Feel fulfilled!
Make a difference in people's lives!
Generate a life-sustaining, abundant income.
Do the work you're called to do.

If you want to be a magnet to your ideal clients, easily do what it takes to attract clients, experience people signing up to work with you…

Do the 28 Days to More Clients Program

The time with Kathryn helped me in more ways than I could have imagined. Things have really picked up!! I have signed 2 new clients, one old client has come back for a few sessions AND I’ve had a few miscellaneous design projects come along. Thank you so much for all you do!

~ S.T. 

On Friday I started the 28-day program. Had a notice Saturday that a woman scheduled a consultation for Monday. Plus, a current client emailed me about scheduling a coaching call. I’d say that is fast work!

~ S.O.

 Here's why this program works:

Most coaches, healers, and on purpose solopreneurs know about the Law of Attraction, but DON’T CONSISTENTLY practice being intentional about the stories they tell themselves. So, they keep manifesting what’s happening now (i.e. not enough clients).

With the 28 Days to More Clients Program, you’ll practice writing, reading, and saying a new story about the future you want - as if it’s happening now. The goal is to practice your new story three to five times a day for 28 days so that in your mind you become the you who has all the clients you want. 

This process will activate an inner metamorphosis that changes you into the person you want to be. As a result, you'll get inspired ideas of how to manifest more clients; it'll be easier for you to take aligned action to attract them; and you'll be a magnet to your ideal clients and opportunities where they can find you.

Do the 28 Days to More Clients Program!

Facilitated by Kathryn Yarborough

Hi! It's Kathryn here. I've helped on purpose, heart-based entrepreneurs grow businesses they love since 2006. To find out more about me,  click here.

If you have questions about anything, click the following link to contact me. Click here.

 The 28 Days to More Clients Program Includes:

6 Training Videos
In these videos, Kathryn teaches you how and why her New Story Process works. She shows you how to clarify your focus, use the worksheet, and find the block clearing tool that you need. The videos range from 3 minutes to 22 minutes and will take you less than 90 minutes to complete in total. (Value $429)
Three Amplify Your Vibration Sessions with Kathryn Yarborough
During these 20-minute Amplify Your Vibration Sessions on Zoom, Kathryn will guide you through a process of saying your new story so that you visualize it in a way that works. She'll mirror your new story back to you in a way that will amplify your vibration and make it feel more like a certainty to you than a wish. (Value $450)
A Worksheet
Use this worksheet to track everything you do for this program so that you get the results you want. (Value $77)
Use Kathryn as your accountability partner. She wants you (for 28 days) to email, text, or Facebook messenger her and let her know how it's going. She will cheer you on so you stay motivated and focused. (Value $280)
Bonus: Block Clearing Toolbox
4 tools to use when resistance arises, blocks get in the way, or when you want to move forward faster. (Value $200)

Start the 28 Days to More Clients Program today!

Total Value is $1,436

Or 3 payments of $197 

 100% Money Back Guarantee

If you do all of the following and do not move forward with your goal, contact Kathryn and she will refund your money. 1) Start the program within 3 days of purchase. 2) Write, read or say your new story 3 - 5 times a day AND send Kathryn your accountability message every day for 28 continuous days.  3) Do all 3 Amplify Your Vibration sessions within those 28 days. 

 Do the program now so you can:

Be a MAGNET to your ideal clients.
Easily do what it takes to attract clients.
Experience wonderful clients happily paying to work with you!
Have MORE clients!

Don't let another month go by!