Training Library VIP Gift

Get these courses and resources to grow a business you love! (Value $2,271)

Created by Kathryn Yarborough

The Training Library includes:

Ideal Clients Course - A 4-module course to help you decide on the best group of potential clients for you, what they need and want, and how to best reach them. (Value $397)
Craft Your Sellable Offer Course - 9 modules that take you through a process of crafting a sellable offer that your ideal clients will love. (Value $497)
Money Mindset Course - 7 lessons that guide you through a process of creating a new money mindset... one that is focused on generating money. (Value $197)
Block Clearing Toolbox - 4 tools to use when resistance arises, blocks get in the way, or when you want to move forward faster. (Value $200)
How to Manifest Clients by Changing the Story You Tell Yourself - Video training (Value $50)
Getting Present with Money - 22 guided meditations to align with the Divine when you think about money and clear blocks about all things related to money. (Value $220)
Getting Present with Attracting Clients - 21 guided meditations to clear through all the muck that gets built up around attracting clients. (Value $210)
Getting Present with Money PLUS - 29 guided meditations to align with the Divine and clear blocks around things related to money, growing your business, and attracting clients. (Value $290)
Meditation Bootcamp - 21 guided meditations to support your spiritual journey of awakening in your body, heart, mind, and energy field. (Value $210)

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